Jacamar CI v0.22.0

Admin Changes

  • Dynamic scheduler arguments user script feature flag (!519)

    • [batch]
        ff_dynamic_arg_script = true
    • This is a new feature we wish to further test before making baseline. It aims to allow users’ flexibility in batch job submission not currently possible with CI variables alone. Simply referring to a script in the SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS will allow it to run and the expected JSON return will be parsed.

    • #!/bin/bash
      # args - Equivalent to traditional SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS.
      # skip - Indicates if a job should be completed with exit status 0, without submitting a job script.
      echo "{\"-N1 --account example --queue ci\":\"\",\"skip\":false}"
    • variables:
        SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scheduler.bash"
  • Remove deprecated EnforceTokenScope (!516)

    • The required API response was removed in GitLab server 17.0 and the feature can no longer be supported.

Bug & Development Fixes

  • Expand RunMechanism to all user run stages (!521)

  • Go version 1.22.5 (!514)

  • Update dependencies (!515)

  • Minor refactor to use of validator package (!512)