Admin Tutorial

Target Audience

Those who wish to deploy Jacamar CI for the first time in a test environment to better understand not just this application but the runner’s custom executor.


GitLab server (version 15.8+) and Linux deployment where you can install/manage root processes.

Estimated Time

30 minutes

Using the custom executor provided by the GitLab runner, let alone Jacamar CI can be a substantial change from previous experiences. This tutorial will shepherd you through the process of deploying and configuring the application on a test environment.

This tutorial is organized into several sections:

  1. Preparing Your Environment

  2. Registering the Runner

  3. Configuring Jacamar

  4. Testing your Deployment

  5. Next Steps

Once completed you’ll have a deployed runner along with Jacamar CI, capable of accepting jobs from a GitLab project. Additionally, using downscoping mechanisms (in this case setuid/setgid) the job will run as the local user responsible to triggering the pipeline.

All skills developed during this tutorial can be translated directly to deploying your own Jacamar/runner instance on local hardware.

Preparing Your Environment

To begin you’ll need to have access to a Linux system where you have root permissions. As such we advise using either a virtual machine, container, or any option where installing/managing system services is possible without the risk of interfering is production resources.

We’ve already made the container image available on our repository with the GitLab-Runner installed, and all Jacamar build requirements accounted for. You can audit the Dockerfile and build your own version if required.

To start, create an empty srv folder in your current working directory (mkdir srv) as this will be used for storing runner configurations and can be mounted in the container.

Next navigate to the official release page and download the latest x86_64 RPM package, saving it into your srv folder.


Now you can run the container using your runtime of choice. In our examples we will be using Podman, but Docker will also work.


If you have previously run the tutorial, it is advisable to remove any older image to avoid potential conflicts, podman image rm ...

$ cd srv
$ podman run -v $(pwd):/etc/gitlab-runner  -it

If not already present start by installing the GitLab Runner. Then navigate to the official release page and download the latest version (appropriate for your distribution):


Finally, pre-create a shared data_dir for the purposes of this tutorial. Refer to the configuration document for more details and support for production permission models; however, here you will simply need to ensure that you target user account(s) have the ability to read/write to a /ecp directory.

You’ll next want to identify your GitLab user login (without the @ symbol). This can be found on web in top right hand corner of the GitLab server web gui:



A critical assumption for Jacamar CI on production resources is, server accounts are managed using the same underlying systems as those found on the target CI system. Meaning userA on GitLab is the same as userA on the system. Of equal importance is that they are unable to influence the potential username on the GitLab server. For additional details see the Security Considerations in the server documentation. If this not possible, please take the time to review and potentially test the RunAs Configuration as part of this tutorial.

Create a local user account whose name matches the identified login. This will be the local target for setuid operations.

useradd -ms /bin/bash <your-user-here>

Next, we are going to install Jacamar CI via the RPM downloaded in an earlier step. Before doing so inspect the RPM and take note that the potentially privileged jacamar-auth application will be deployed to a restricted directory:

$ cd /etc/gitlab-runner

$ rpm -qlp jacamar-ci-*.rpm

$ rpm -i jacamar-ci-*.el7.x86_64.rpm

Finally, verify the environment contains the necessary applications (gitlab-runner and jacamar) and their versions:

gitlab-runner --version
/opt/jacamar/bin/jacamar --version

From this point your environment is ready. For more comprehensive details on the deployment process, please see our deployment documentation.


Though this document has been written to target the root user there are additional options for deployment that can be used; setuid w/capabilities and sudo. These options will still allow for permissions to be dropped via the associated downscope configuration.

Registering the Runner

Now we can register the gitlab-runner with a repository on our target GitLab instance. This will be a project specific runner, only accessible to that repository. Though we’ll be using the runner’s interactive registration you’ll need to identify the instance URL and project registration token (Settings > CI/CD > Runners) before beginning.

It is important that when prompted for a type of executor you specify custom.

$ gitlab-runner register
Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux
Running in system-mode.

Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.

Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:

Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
[hostname]: Jacamar Tutorial Runner

Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):

Registering runner... succeeded

Please enter the executor: custom, docker-ssh+machine, docker, docker-ssh, parallels, shell, ssh, virtualbox, docker+machine, kubernetes:

Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!

You can verify the registration of the runner in two places:

  1. Check the runner local configuration file (cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml).

  2. Returning to where you obtained the registration token, under the Runners activated for this project section the runner is listed.


Never divulge the Runner token found in the config.toml. This should be treated as one would a password as it can be used to interact with the server (poll and run CI jobs). Currently GitLab offers minimal controls to protect this token though there are upstream efforts underway to improve this.

Now that the runner is registered we will need to take additional steps regarding the configuration of the custom executor. Starting by modifying the [runners.custom] table in the /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml file:

  config_exec = "/opt/jacamar/bin/jacamar-auth"
  config_args = ["config", "--configuration", "/etc/gitlab-runner/custom-config.toml"]

  prepare_exec = "/opt/jacamar/bin/jacamar-auth"
  prepare_args = ["prepare"]

  run_exec = "/opt/jacamar/bin/jacamar-auth"
  run_args = ["run"]

  cleanup_exec = "/opt/jacamar/bin/jacamar-auth"
  cleanup_args = ["cleanup", "--configuration", "/etc/gitlab-runner/custom-config.toml"]

By including the above configuration, you fulfil requirements both of the custom executor and Jacamar CI:

  • Each stage within a CI job (e.g., config, prepare, run, or cleanup) must have an associated executable/script defined. In our case we are using jacamar-auth application which will provide the ability to take additional authorization steps as well as a downscoping mechanism (setuid/setgid for this tutorial).

  • Additional arguments can be provided to jacamar-auth, it requires a sub-command related to the current stage (see jacamar-auth --help for details).

  • Finally Jacamar requires its own set of configurations. We include them by specifying the --configuration argument and the location of the file we will be creating next.

Configuring Jacamar

Though we have a registered runner that is configured to call the jacamar-auth binary, there is still an additional configuration required. Due the number of requirements placed upon Jacamar for maintaining a secure yet customizable CI workflow we will need to account for its distinct configuration.

Let’s create a new TOML file, it should match the location passed to the --configuration in our previous step: /etc/gitlab-runner/custom-config.toml

    executor = "shell"
    data_dir = "/ecp"

    downscope = "setuid"




A required setting that specifies which of the supported executors your deployment will use.


A required setting where all files/directories for are job are stored. Strict ownership (user:user) and permissions (0700) are enforced on top level directories.


Target downscoping mechanisms for execution of all CI scripts and generated commands through the auth mechanisms. When using jacmar-auth this is required.

This configuration is the absolute minimum required in order to accomplish CI with setuid being used to drop permissions from our root account there are more options available to you that can be explored later.

Testing your Deployment

Before you can begin testing, you’ll need to start the runner. We are going to do this via CLI but in a production deployment you will most likely leverage a system service.

$ gitlab-runner run
Runtime platform
Starting multi-runner from /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml...  builds=0
Running in system-mode.


You can interrupt the runner at any time with CTRL+C, this will cancel any running jobs and attempt to gracefully shutdown the process.

Now we can test your deployment by creating a .gitlab-ci.yml file in your project:

    - tutorial
    - date
    - hostname
    - id
    - env | grep GITLAB_
    # You can use a sleep to allow time to inspect
    # the process locally.
    - sleep 30
    - id


The id_tokens defined in this job are critical to leveraging the authorization functionality of jacamar-auth. The payload of this token can be validated as it is signed by the server and is relied upon to identify the user login who triggered the CI/CD job. If you want to more closely inspect the payload of the token simply add the following to your script: jq -R 'split(".") | .[1] | @base64d | fromjson' <<< "${CI_JOB_JWT}"

Once the file has been committed you can go to CI/CD -> Pipelines and inspect the output for the running job. You should be able to see that the user executing the scripts is the local account we created while Preparing Your Environment.


Additional context and job status can be seen from the administrator point of view if we look back at the gitlab-runner run terminal. If you experienced any errors in the configuration/deployment this is where you’ll be able to best identify them.


If you did run into issues with the deployment, we recommend first verifying that all configurations highlighted during this tutorial are reflected locally. You can also reference the troubleshooting documentation for common topics.

Once the CI job has completed examine the file permissions for all CI files generated as part of your test job according to the data_dir functionality:

cd /ecp/<your-user-here>
ls -la

Next Steps

From here feel free to edit the configuration and further examine the application and how user permissions are managed.

  • Start the GitLab-Runner with the debug flag (gitlab-runner --debug run) to observed all potential information.

  • Remove your user account (userdel <your-user-here>), to observe what error will you encounter as the user.

  • Display the un-obfuscated error messages generated during authorization with the user account still removed to see additional context when the job inevitably fails.

  • If you haven’t upgrade to server v16.0 it is advisable to review the Migrating to new id_tokens from CI_JOB_JWT to further understand the transition between the previously default JWT and new id_tokens.