ECP Annual 2020 CI Startup Tutorial


This tutorial was designed specifically for the resources available at the ECP Annual 2020 meeting. We high recommend following the newer ECP CI Startup Tutorial and simply using this for reference if required.

If you’re joining us at the 2020 ECPAM, thank you for attending the CI Startup Tutorial. The entire hands-on portion of the tutorial is documented below. The only tool you will need to run the hands-on portion of this tutorial yourself is a GitLab compatible web browser. Additionally, we have the luxury of using the OSTI GitLab instance for several temporary training accounts for the sole purpose of this tutorial. These accounts have been configured and supplied with the necessary test resources to complete every example. At this time the documentation may not support stand alone completion of the entire tutorial. However you can still find all code referenced on our ECP-CI GitLab repositories.

Hello Environment

In the first example, we create a very simple single stage CI pipeline and introduce the test resources to tutorial users. At any point during the hands-on if you wish to see the target completed file please see the Completed - Hello Environment. Navigate to your Hello Environment repository at this time if you are not already there.

Before we begin writing the .gitlab-ci.yml file, let’s first take a look at the way the resources are structured for this tutorial:


From the diagram, the runner is configured to use a batch executor which in turn uses Slurm as the underlying scheduler. There are two partitions available, ecp-p9-4v100 (Power 9 with GPU) and ecp-x86_64 (Intel Xeon).

The project consists of just two files, .gitlab-ci.yml which is currently empty, and environment.bash which is a very simple script to output basic system information on stdout. Our goal is to trigger two CI/CD jobs that wind up running environment.bash on both of the available test resources and examine their outputs to confirm correct behavior. For the rest of this example, we will be making changes to the .gitlab-ci.yml file only.


Remember that YAML uses 2 spaces, depending on your IDE you may need to account for this manually.

First, each job must be assigned a stage. The naming of the stages is arbitrary. In our example, we wish to have just a single stage with the name examine.

  - examine

To trigger CI/CD on both test resources, we need to define two jobs. Like stages, these jobs can have arbitrary names. We will name our jobs p9-partition and x86_64-partition. Let’s start with job p9-partition and associate it with our examine stage.

  stage: examine

If you refer back to the Navigating GitLab CI you will recall that runners are identified (or targeted) via tags. In our case we will want to ensure that our job is running on the “Batch Training Runner”. Since for this tutorial, there is only one available runner with tags, ecp-ci, fe1, nmc, nmc-fe1-batch-01 and slurm, any single matching tag will be sufficient to uniquely identify it in our case. When multiple runners are available the server will attempt to match the first available runner to a job with a subset of tags. For the sake of demonstration, we will use two tags to identify the desired runner. Add these tags to your already existing p9-partition job.

  stage: examine
  tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]

Given the values specified by the tags keyword, the job will run using the (one and only) matching runner. In this runner, Slurm is used used as the underlying job scheduler. It is important to note that with Slurm all jobs are submitted using sbatch. So, we must use appropriate parameters for requesting an allocation.

Variables are an important concept of GitLab CI as each job will be provided with a build environment that incorporates a number of predefined variables along with those developers may define. In our case we will want to satisfy an expectation of the batch executor by defining a value for the SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS variable.

  stage: examine
  tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "--nodes=1 --partition=ecp-p9-4v100 --time=00:05:00"

Although the batch executor may expect a value to be defined for SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS, it is not truly required. However, failing to define this variable can lead to unexpected results. Thus it is strongly encouraged to always provide one. Additionally, runner administrators may define new expectations for this variable name (e.g. SLURM_PARAMETERS).


Now that we have defined a job, stage, targeted a runner, and specified parameters for submission to the underlying scheduler, we need to define what the job is going to do. That will be the script section.

Fundamentally the runner is executing a shell script, specifically in our case a Bash script. In addition, the job will always begin in a runner designated folder (CI_PROJECT_DIR) at the root of your repository. In our case we are going to add this script to our existing p9-partition job.

stage: examine
tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "--nodes=1 --partition=ecp-p9-4v100 --time=00:05:00"
    - echo "Script"
    - bash ./environment.bash

Now that the p9-partition job has been defined we will want to establish a job for the other partition that will look almost completely identical.

  stage: examine
  tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "--nodes=1 --partition=ecp-x86_64 --time=00:05:00"
    - echo "Script"
    - bash ./environment.bash

As you may have noticed the only difference can be seen in the job’s SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS variable. Again, since we are using Slurm, we will refer to sbatch and define --partition=ecp-x86_64. This will ensure that both jobs are executed using both of the available compute resources.

Now lets add a before_script that will reside outside of the scope other either of two jobs we’ve already created. As the name implies this will run before anything found in our script section.

  - echo "Before Script"
  - pwd
  - ls -la

Finally, we can create an additional script that will run upon completion of the earlier defined build script called the after_script. There are several important facts that are worth understanding.

  1. The after_script will be executed in a new shell different from the shell the job executes in, meaning a clean Bash environment from the earlier script.

  2. This stage will run regardless of if your earlier script failed due to a build error.

  3. With the batch executor you will find that the after_script will only execute after the completion of the scheduled job. This means that the script will run outside of any compute resources/available allocation.

  - echo "After Script"
  - id
  - hostname

Defining the after_script outside the scope of either of the previously defined jobs, just like our before_script, means it is global (to the pipeline) and will be executed for all jobs defined.

Once you complete the above edits to the .gitlab-ci.yml file feel free to save/commit the changes. Navigate to the CI/CD –> Pipelines. From here you will see the pipeline that was triggered when the changes to the .gitlab-ci.yml file were committed.

If for any reason your pipeline is not running successfully, please review the following:

Troubleshooting your YAML

It is not uncommon to see the following error message when examining the Pipelines page:


Hovering your mouse over the yaml invalid tag can provide additional context regarding the error. However, the more helpful solution involves leveraging GitLab’s builtin CI Lint tool. The CI Lint button can be found on the CI/CD –> Pipelines page. Once selected you must copy/past in the contents of your .gitlab-ci.yml file.


In our above example you may notice the error encountered is a missing stages parameter.

Completed - Hello Environment

  - examine

  stage: examine
  tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "--nodes=1 --partition=ecp-p9-4v100 --time=00:05:00"
    - echo "Script"
    - bash ./environment.bash

  stage: examine
  tags: [slurm, ecp-ci]
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "--nodes=1 --partition=ecp-x86_64 --time=00:05:00"
    - echo "Script"
    - bash ./environment.bash

  - echo "Before Script"
  - pwd
  - ls -la

  - echo "After Script"
  - id
  - hostname

Heat Equation

Before we begin the this next tutorial, I would like to highlight that for the upcoming sections will be using the Package for Extreme-Scale Science - Hand Coded Heat Application. I highly recommend that if you are interested you can explore the full lesson at the link provided. We will only be looking at this from the standpoint of the using the code as part of a CI pipeline.

Similar to the Hello Environment exercise we will begin by editing the empty .gitlab-ci.yml file to declare our planned stages:

  - build
  - test

In this tutorial we will again target both available partitions; however, it will be across two stages. First we will build our software followed by a very simple test. Also, if we look back at our earlier tutorial you might have noticed there is a fair amount of duplicate code. GitLab offers a feature extends that we can use to help with this.

Let’s define a hidden key .tutorial-runner that we will be able to reference subsequently in the our yaml and inherit from it:

  tags: [nmc-fe1-batch-01]

Previously we defined several tags that will be used to specify the runner we wish to target. The difference now, from our previous example, is that we are targeting a “unique” runner tag (ECP CI runner swill aim to have a unique tag available).

Now let’s define two additional hidden keys, one for each of the partitions we will want to utilize:

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 8 -p ecp-x86_64 -t 00:05:00"

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 20 -p ecp-p9-4v100 -t 00:05:00"

Please note, that is you are a Slurm user you may question why we’ve chosen to request an allocation in this manner. It is simply to work with the number of potential tutorial users and the Slurm configuration of shared compute resources. Your jobs will not be running across all requested ranks.

You can see that for each, we’ve chosen to extend the previously defined .tutorial-runners. GitLab has documented support for multi-level inheritance; however, they recommend no more than three levels. With this the tags we defined earlier are inherited by our two new hidden keys. Now for our build stage we are going to define one more hidden key, .build-script:

  stage: build
    - module load gcc
    - make
    - ./heat --help
      - heat

Our usage of stage and script have been covered previously; however, artifacts may be new. The artifacts keyword is used to specify a list of files and/or directories that should be captured after a job has been completed. These are then uploaded to the GitLab server, where they can be downloaded manually and will be made available to jobs in subsequent stages of the pipeline. In this example we are capturing a binary (heat) that we have just compiled.

For our build stage let’s create two jobs, one for each partition. Each of which will inherit from our previously defined keys as a reverse deep merge based on the keys will be performed. Although in our example we focus on a very limited number of jobs, properly using GitLab’s provided functionally can be a major boon to your development efforts when working with larger more complicated pipelines.

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .build-script

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .build-script

Now to create a .test-script that we will use for defining the jobs we want to run in the test stage. This will look very similar to our efforts with the .build-script. The test for our binary are very simple and involve a quick sanity check and using cat(1) to print the contents of the generated results. There is no actual verification; however, if the sanity check returned a non-zero exit it would cause the job to fail.

  stage: test
    # sanity check
    - ./heat
    - cat heat_results/heat_results_soln_final.curve
    # confirm linear steady state
    - ./heat dx=0.25 maxt=100 ic="rand(125489,100,50)" runame=test
    - cat test/test_soln_00000.curve
    - cat test/test_soln_final.curve

Now that we have a script, lets define our two jobs for the test stage as so:

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:x86_64"]

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:ppc64le"]

You probably have already noticed the addition of needs. This is rather new to GitLab, just introduced in server version 12.3. The keyword enables executing jobs out-of-order, allowing you to implement a directed acyclic graph by referencing a list of jobs that also exist in your pipeline.


The execution order is just one benefit to using needs another is artifact management. When we use artifacts the files will be made available for all jobs in subsequent stages. So by default jobs will attempt to download available artifacts. By defining a needs, we will signify that the job will only be required to download artifacts from the list of jobs. In our example this is either build:x86_64 or build:ppc64le.

As we’ve down in our previous example, once you’ve complete the above edits to the .gitlab-ci.yml file save/commit the changes. Navigate to see the pipeline that was triggered and inspect your running jobs.

Completed - Heat Equation

  - build
  - test

  tags: [nmc-fe1-batch-01]

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 8 -p ecp-x86_64 -t 00:05:00"

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 20 -p ecp-p9-4v100 -t 00:05:00"

  stage: build
    - module load gcc
    - make
    - ./heat --help
      - heat

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .build-script

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .build-script

  stage: test
    # sanity check
    - ./heat
    - cat heat_results/heat_results_soln_final.curve
    # confirm linear steady state
    - ./heat dx=0.25 maxt=100 ic="rand(125489,100,50)" runame=test
    - cat test/test_soln_00000.curve
    - cat test/test_soln_final.curve

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:x86_64"]

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:ppc64le"]

Expanded Heat Equation

This final documented hands-on section focuses on expanding our earlier efforts in the Heat Equation. If your job is not running please refer to either the Completed - Heat Equation or the answer branch found in your repository to ensure that the .gitlab-ci.yml file is aligned.

The purpose of this section is to expand the functionality of the .gitlab-ci.yml found in our Heat Equation. With a goal of plotting the results of a simulation. To do this we will need to make sure that dependencies such as gnulot and bc are available. In the case of the ecp-p9-4v100 partition both requirements are available as modules; however, we are missing some from the ecp-x86_64 partition and will need build those requirements.

We will want to include two new stages that will attempt to address missing dependencies in our environment as well as plot a specific scientific problem. So to begin with let’s add these to our exiting stages::

  - depend
  - build
  - test
  - plot

Up until now we’ve only dealt with triggering pipelines through commits; however, GitLab offers a number of potential mechanisms by which we can trigger a pipeline (e.g. via the web, on a scheduler, by a merge request, etc.). We can even choose to use this in how we may limit which jobs should be run. In our .tutorial-runner hidden key we will want to update it to include rules attribute.

  tags: [nmc-fe1-batch-01]
    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
      when: always

Rules was introduced in GitLab server version 12.3. It allow us to define when jobs might be expected to run. In this case it is only if the source of the pipeline’s trigger was either manually via the web or scheduled. In the case of GitLab web refers to triggering the pipeline using the Run Pipelines button, found in the CI/CD –> Pipelines page. Take note that with these rules, even though they are evaluated server side, you can leverage CI Variables. We encourage you to look into the upstream documentation for more information but suffice it to say there is a lot of potential control provided over jobs with these mechanisms.

Another configuration we wish to leverage is interruptible. Also introduced in server version 12.3, interruptible indicates a job should be canceled if it is made redundant by a newer pipeline. This is different from the “Auto-cancel redundant pipelines” option found in Settings –> CI/CD. The later will only cancel a pending (not running) pipeline.


Taking advantage of interruptible where it makes sense in your CI can provide immense value, especially when working with the batch executor. It will allow you to avoid wasting cycles / allocations on already outdated commits. In our example we are going to add this as well to our .tutorial-runner hidden key.

  tags: [nmc-fe1-batch-01]
    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
      when: always
  interruptible: true

Now that we’ve made necessary changes to existing code, we can start introducing new elements. Up until this point we only have job-level variables but it’s important to note that GitLab offers several places variables can be defined and enforces a priority of environment variables. For building out dependencies we will be using Spack, so let’s just create a global (pipeline) variable that will refer to the repository for our target version of Spack.


You may notice the URL is defined in an unusual manner, just referring to a gitlab-ci-token user. This is possible due to a change only found in the HPC enhanced runner. The GIT_ASKPASS environmental variables is now defined for jobs in order to support easier and safer usage of git clone during your CI. As long as the gitlab-ci-token user is specified you will not need to try and manage any tokens via the command line.

If we review the results from inspecting the available modules presented in the Hello Environment then we will find that the only missing requirement is that of bc on the ecp-x86_64 partition. As there exists a package in Spack we will be using it to install this missing dependency. You don’t need to understand Spack, only know that it is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software. We will be obfuscating any of the complexities with already defined scripts and configurations that you will leverage.

In our deps:x86_64 job we will be defining a before_script, by doing so within a job it will be scoped to only appear there. The goal of this before_script is to git Spack as well as source the necessary files. Since before_script and script are concatenated into one job script any environment changes will be observed throughout the job. This is unlike an after_script which would be executed in a new environment.

For the script we will be leveraging environments to install the required software at a predefined location on the file system. For more information on the process please see the Spack environment documentation. By leveraging this we can more easily choose a location on the file system where we want these to be installed and even point to existing system packages and potential binary mirrors.

    - .x86_64-platform
  stage: depend
    - bash ./env/get_spack.bash
    - source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
    - cd env/nmc
    - spack install
      - env/nmc/spack.lock

If your a Spack user you may note that we are capturing the spack.lock file as an artifact. This is the concrete information on our environment, including all installed software versions and their dependencies. By capturing this file as an artifacts it removes the need for concretizing the environment again in later jobs.

Define a script, .plot-script for modeling a scientific problem. Using the details provided in the Hand Coded Heat Application we will try to determine if the pipes in the wall will freeze. For a complete overview information/assumption provided to use please see exercise three at the link provided.

  stage: plot
    - ./heat runame=wall alpha=8.2e-8 lenx=0.25 dx=0.01 dt=100 outi=100 savi=1000 maxt=55800 bc0=233.15 bc1=294.261 ic="const(294.261)"
    - make plot PTOOL=gnuplot RUNAME=wall

We are generating not only data (wall/*) with our use of the ./heat command but also an output (wall_plot.png) we should capture these as artifacts with a small addition to .plot-script.

  stage: plot
    - ./heat runame=wall alpha=8.2e-8 lenx=0.25 dx=0.01 dt=100 outi=100 savi=1000 maxt=55800 bc0=233.15 bc1=294.261 ic="const(294.261)"
    - make plot PTOOL=gnuplot RUNAME=wall
    name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-wall"
      - wall_plot.png
      - wall/

Now that we have a script defined for our plot stage, lets build the two jobs, one each for the ecp-p9-4v100 and ecp-x86_64 partitions. Starting with plot:x86_64 we need to not only use the extends key but also account for the missing package we created earlier (in deps:x86_64). To do this we will define a before_script and in this leverage the same Spack instance and environment we used to deploy the software. In this case we are loading the software that was already built, adding it to our PATH.

Since we are not using needs in this job, then you might be wondering how do we ensure the correct artifacts are made available? In this case we will also define dependencies. Default behavior with artifacts is to download them from all previous jobs/stages. By passing a list of job names, ony the artifacts from there will be downloaded.

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .plot-script
    - module load gnuplot
    - source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
    - pushd env/nmc
    - spack load
    - popd
    - "build:x86_64"
    - "deps:x86_64"

The final job will be adding is plot:ppc64le which is much simpler than our previous thanks to the existence of the required modules. This make our before_script a simple one line. We also need to only specify a single dependencies as we will only require the artifact from our build:ppc64le job.

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .plot-script
    - module load gnuplot bc
    - "build:ppc64le"

Now that you’ve complete the .gitlab-ci.yml file, please save/commit the changes. Navigate to the Pipeline page and this time you will not see that that changes have triggered any new pipeline. This is due to the rules we defined earlier in the exercise. You will need to trigger the a job by clicking the Run Pipeline (green) button towards the top of the page. From there you will be able to select the branch you want to run a pipeline for:


Completed - Expanded Heat Equation

  - depend
  - build
  - test
  - plot

  tags: [nmc-fe1-batch-01]
    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
      when: on_success
  interruptible: true

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 8 -p ecp-x86_64 -t 00:05:00"

  extends: .tutorial-runner
    SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS: "-n 20 -p ecp-p9-4v100 -t 00:05:00"

  stage: build
    - module load gcc
    - make
    - ./heat --help
      - heat

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .build-script

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .build-script

  stage: test
    # sanity check
    - ./heat
    - cat heat_results/heat_results_soln_final.curve
    # confirm linear steady state
    - ./heat dx=0.25 maxt=100 ic="rand(125489,100,50)" runame=test
    - cat test/test_soln_00000.curve
    - cat test/test_soln_final.curve

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:x86_64"]

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .test-script
  needs: ["build:ppc64le"]


    - .x86_64-platform
  stage: depend
    - bash ./env/get_spack.bash
    - source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
    - cd env/nmc
    - spack install
      - env/nmc/spack.lock

  stage: plot
    - ./heat runame=wall alpha=8.2e-8 lenx=0.25 dx=0.01 dt=100 outi=100 savi=1000 maxt=55800 bc0=233.15 bc1=294.261 ic="const(294.261)"
    - make plot PTOOL=gnuplot RUNAME=wall
    name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-wall"
      - wall_plot.png
      - wall/

    - .x86_64-platform
    - .plot-script
    - module load gnuplot
    - source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
    - pushd env/nmc
    - spack load
    - popd
    - "build:x86_64"
    - "deps:x86_64"

    - .ppc64le-platform
    - .plot-script
    - module load gnuplot bc
    - "build:ppc64le"