ECP CI Startup Tutorial

Target Audience

Code teams that wish to begin using GitLab CI as part of their testing strategy.


Hands-on sections of the tutorial have been written for general container based resources on GitLab, and only requires a compatible browser.

Estimated Time

1 to 1.5 hours

Welcome to the CI Startup Tutorial! We want this tutorial to provide guidance to project teams interested in getting started, not just with ECP resources but GitLab CI in general. We’ve written this to offer as much flexibility as possible and provided hands-on portions targeting a range of potential CI instances. Throughout this tutorial we will reference upstream documentation that can further clarify key functionality and would like to encourage you to make use of the official user documentation.

Though we hope you are joining us for a conference tutorial, it is by no means required as this hands-on can be entirely self-guided.

Supported Instance

It is not always possible to establish a shared example project across a wide range of potential resources (e.g., facility specific runners and configuration will present different requirements). Our documentation primarily targets resources available on GitLab but any instance with access to a container based runner should be able to follow along.

All hands-on portions of the tutorial can be completed using GitLab which offers a set number of CI/CD pipelines minutes to all users. If you do not have a account and wish to create one simply navigate to the signup page and follow the instructions:


In all cases we attempt to limit the time requirements of CI/CD jobs within the tutorial. We hope these constraints help to limit any resources usages associated with your project/account to a reasonable level.

Introductory CI Workflow

All CI/CD functionality we demonstrate in this tutorial is controlled via a special YAML file in the root directory of the repository named .gitlab-ci.yml. For this tutorial we recommend leveraging the pipeline editor which was released in server version 13.8. This is a helpful feature available regardless of the server’s license level and offers helpful functionality specifically for developing your project’s CI/CD.


First, each job should be assigned a stage. The naming of the stages is arbitrary. In our example, we wish to have just a single stage with the name make.

  - make

The variables are an important concept in GitLab CI as each job will be provided with a build environment that incorporates a number of predefined variables along with those developers may define. Let’s define a global variable(s) that will apply to all jobs within our pipeline.

Depending on where you are choosing to run your job you may be required to supply additional site specific details via your job’s CI variables.

  - make

  MAKE_CXXFLAGS: "--coverage"

We can define the job itself, this can be an arbitrary name so long as it does not conflict keys or the list of unavailable job names. In our case lets start by creating a job entitled gcc-build and associating it with our make stage:

  - make

# ...

  stage: make

If you refer back to the Navigating GitLab CI you will recall that runners are identified (targeted) via tags. Any single matching tag could be sufficient to uniquely identify it, so long as multiple runners do not share that same tag. When multiple runners are available the server will attempt to match the first available runner to a job with a subset of tags.

Since we are using the public GitLab instance, the runners available to us are Docker executors, this means all jobs will execute in container based upon the defined image:

  stage: make
  tags: [gitlab-org]

In our case we are pulling an image from the GitLab container registry; however, you are free to use other options such as Docker Hub.


The difference between the container based CI runners you are using during this tutorial on GitLab and those potentially related to ECP CI found on HPC test resources is the image: key. As containers are fundamentally offering us a specific software environment, the equivalent to defining an image: in those cases would be using facility provided modules:

      - module load gcc/11.2.0

Add a before_script scoped to our job as well as the required script section. This will be the core of CI job, the arbitrarily defined code will be executed on our required test resource. The default behaviors of the runner will ensure the Git commit associated with you job is properly fetched and made available prior to any user defined script running. The code defined in each of these sections will be combined and used to a generate a single Bash script that will be executed within the scope of the CI job.

  # ...
    - hostname
    - echo $CI_JOB_ID
    - make CXXFLAGS=${MAKE_CXXFLAGS} LDFLAGS="--coverage -lm" check


At ths time all runner generated scripts will executor using Bash (potentially sh in very limited cases) regardless of your user’s default configurations. Be cognoscente of these when constructing your job’s script.

Now that we have our core job script, when the pipeline is execute we will build/test our heat application.

  # ...
    - pip3 install gcovr
    - gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}

The artifacts keyword is used to specify a list of files and/or directories that should be captured after a job has been completed. These are then uploaded to the GitLab server, where they can be downloaded manually and will be made available to jobs in subsequent stages of the pipeline. In this example we are capturing a binary (heat) that we have just compiled.

  # ...
    expire_in: 3 days
      - heat
       cobertura: coverage.xml


Using artifacts may not suite a number HPC project requirements as their our limits as to maximum size one can upload that are established by the server administrators. For more complete details and other options please see the Artifacts, Caching, and Local Storage for HPC Project guide.

In our example we’ve specified the Coberture report type as it offers a mechanisms for identifying code coverage in merge requests:


There are a range of potential reporting tools that could benefit your teams workflows, and are worth investigating. Be aware though that many such tools require a licensed version of the server.

Now that you’ve completed your first .gitlab-ci.yml file Commit changes you have made in the editor. Once completed, navigate to CI/CD -> Pipelines.


Troubleshooting your YAML

It is not uncommon to see the following error message when examining the Pipelines page:


Hovering your mouse over the yaml invalid tag can provide additional context regarding the error. Though, a more beneficial troubleshooting method involves leveraging GitLab’s builtin CI linter. The linter can be found within the pipeline editor:


In our above example the error encountered is a missing stages parameter, leading to the following error:

gcc-build job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, test, deploy, .post

Reintroducing the code will correct this error. You may also notice that in the before_script there is a typo with hostn as opposed to hostname. The linter is only designed to identify mistakes in the GitLab YAML syntax and any others error, even if they will lead to failed jobs, will not be identified.

Completed - Intro CI

Reference of the completed Introductory CI Workflow .gitlab-ci.yml file.

 2  - make
 5  MAKE_FLAGS: "--coverage"
 8  stage: make
 9  image:
10  tags: [gitlab-org]
11  before_script:
12    - hostname
13    - echo "${CI_JOB_ID}"
14  script:
15    - make CXXFLAGS=${MAKE_FLAGS} LDFLAGS="${MAKE_FLAGS} -lm" check
16  after_script:
17    - pip3 install gcovr
18    - gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}
19  artifacts:
20    expire_in: 3 days
21    paths:
22      - heat
23    reports:
24      cobertura: coverage.xml

Additional Resources

We only cover a subset of capabilities throughout this tutorial we think will most benefit you and your team when getting started. For additional information and more details please see:

If you are more interested in the scientific software side, of not just CI/CD but the broader topics of testing we recommend:

Expanded CI Workflow

Again for this section of the tutorial we recommend using the pipeline editor. If you’ve skipped the introductory section please copy the appropriate Completed - Intro CI for your instance as we will be starting with that completed job.

In this section we are going to look at features that can help you and your team with:

  • Managing multiple interconnected job across distinct stages

  • Establishing meaningful rules to limit CI workflows on HPC resources

  • Potential workflows leaving the parallel matrix jobs

  • Accounting for some of the complexities of multi-tenant environments

It’s important to highlight that we always want to ensure that ECP CI resources function with established upstream functionality and most CI/CD recommendations without the need for extensive changes. The exception to this rule is always when an action would be outside of your users local permissions.

Lets start by extending the number of stages our pipeline will have:

  - make
  - run
  - plot

We’ll be adding jobs to the newly added run and plot stages over the course of this tutorial. Next we are going to define a few global default configuration include:

  • A basic after_script after script to print some arbitrary information about our user/environment.

  • Setting interruptible to true so jobs made redundant by newer pipelines will be cancel to avoid wasting potential CI minutes or node hours.

  • Establishing a default timeout for our

Keep in mind that any of these, or other potential global values, can be overridden at the job level.

    - hostname
    - whoami
  interruptible: true
  timeout: 30m

Lets next write a heat-run job that will take place in our newly created run stage. Since it is in a separate stage and executes after our earlier gcc-build job it means that the artifact associated with it will be available and downloaded at the start of heat-run.

Since we are able to rely on the fact our heat application will already be compiled we can choose a smaller image, in this case simply debian:10-slim as this should help to speed up the test.

  stage: run
  image: debian:10-slim
    - ./heat --help
    - ./heat dx=0.25 maxt=100 ic="rand(125489,100,50)" runame=test

We are going to run a simple command with our application that will demonstrate a linear steady state (please see the Hands-On Lesson for more potential details). This will generate a series of output files describing the curve in a directly called test/. To allow further potential examination of these results we should gather them using the artifacts mechanism:

  # ...
    expire_in: 3 days
      - test/

Define a hidden job titled .manual-rules. This can later be reused, allowing the configuration to be reused.

    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
      when: manual
    - when: never

The rules functionality was introduced in GitLab server version 12.3 and has been expanded through a variety of MRs since then. We highly encourage you to review to official documentation on this functionality when you use it in your project. This functionality will allow us to define when jobs might be expected to run by leveraging CI variables.


Though for purpose of this tutorial we’ve chosen to use rules in a very limited fashion, it can be a very important tool for limiting CI job especially if you choose to us CI with HPC resources.

The next job added will be test-plot that extends

  stage: plot
    - .manual-rule
  needs: [gcc-build, heat-run]

Remember rules are evaluated in order until the first match has been found. In the case of our job test-plot that inherits the configuration of manual-rules:

  1. Always run if the pipeline has been triggered by a merge request.

  2. On the default branch (main) the job can be manually started

  3. If none of the previous are realized then nothing will be run.

We’ve created a basic container that provides access to both Gnuplot and Matplotlib.

  # ...
    - make plot PTOOL=${PTOOL} RUNAME=test

For the final portion of our expanded tutorial we are going to use the matrix keyword. With this, we are able to multiple jobs in parallel, each with a different variables value (PTOOL=???). Though we are only highlighting a single-dimensional array, we encourage you to review the official documentation and further explore this functionality.

# ...
    - PTOOL: [gnuplot, matplotlib]

Commit your changes and navigate to your in progress CI pipeline. Keep in mind the rules established earlier, you’ll need to manually trigger the jobs on the plot stage:


Congratulations, once all your tests have has passed you’ve completed the core sections of this tutorial. However, if your are still interested in continuing with this example we’ve included additional sections below that can be used to expand the already established pipeline with additional interesting features that are available across the range of deployments.

Code Coverage (Badge)

During the introductory section we established a build/test step that provided a single identifiable value for lines that had been accounted for during testing:

$ gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}
lines: 45.7% (147 out of 322)
branches: 30.9% (278 out of 900)

If you have not already done so add the coverage flag to identify this values using regular expressions in our gcc-build job:

  coverage: /^\s*lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%/
  # ...

It is possible to leverage this value to clearly demonstrate the total coverage and status of our pipeline. Navigate to your project’s Settings -> CI/CD and Expand the General pipelines section. Here you will need to identify the Pipeline status and Coverage report markdown code snippets as we will be using them to update our


You may also notice a Testing coverage parsing entry. It is also possible to update/manage the regular expression for code coverage via this GUI section. In our example the entry would be: lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%

Next you will need to edit the file, we recommend using the web editor. Simply copy and paste the earlier snippets near the top of your file:


Once all the changes have been committed and the associated pipeline completed (please note that because of our earlier defined rules you will need to manually trigger several jobs for the badges to appropriately update). Once the pipeline has been completed, navigating back to the Project overview you should see the updated badges in your rendered ReadMe section.

Reporting Build Status

This final additional effort is built upon the Report Build Status to GitLab guide. Please refer back to that guide for complete details.

The goal is to demonstrate a potential workflow that reports the status of a CI job to, in this case, a GitLab server. To greatly simplify the tutorial we’ve chosen to just report back everything to the same server/project you are currently working on.


To being with you will need to create a personal access token with an API scope for your GitLab instance. This will only be required for this tutorial so either set a short expiration date or revoke upon competition. Please make note of this newly created token as we will use it shortly.

This example will make use of a pre-created script ( that you can inspect. It in turn relies on a number of environment variables to establish the target API URL, Project ID, and of course a personal access token.

From your project space navigate to Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables. From there you will want to add a new BUILDSTATUS_TOKEN whose value is the previously created personal access token. It is highly encouraged that you choose to mask this value so it does not appear in the CI job log:



A Masked CI/CD variable will be removed the job log by the GitLab-Runner prior to results being posted to the server. This means that it can be observed in other files (e.g., scheduler output not parsed by the runner, debug logs uploaded to a separate instances, or commands run on a multi-tenant system). Please be aware of this when deciding how to use any secret in your CI/CD pipelines.

Next we will want to include an already created build-status.yaml file. This feature allows use to specify an external YAML file, that then will be

 - local: 'build-status.yaml'

Before proceeding it is advisable to quickly review the contents of the build-status.yaml file. You’ll notice that it add three new jobs that are members of either the .pre or .post stages. These stages exist by default an will always come at the beginning/end of a pipeline regardless of other configurations. We’ve also chosen to use extends with a hidden job, .repost-status, that doesn’t and we’ll need to create.

# Contents of the build-status.yaml do not directly
# insert into your .gitlab-ci.yml file!
    - .report-status
  stage: .pre

    - .report-status
  stage: .post

    - .report-status
  stage: .post
  when: on_failure

Circling back to our .gitlab-ci.yml file we will want to add our .report-status hidden job there. It is at this point it is important to highlight that when using include and extends you are able to merge elements from different files.

    BUILDSTATUS_JOB: "CI Tutorial"
    # Since we are simply using the same project as the target for the POST
    # request we can leverage existing predefined variables.
  image: python:3
    - pip3 install requests
    - python3
  tags: [gitlab-org]


Though we are able to leverage extends across multiple files, traditional YAML anchors will only work within a single file.

Now commit the changes to your .gitlab-ci.yml file and re-run the complete pipeline. You should now observe several additional jobs/stages added your pipeline. Include the CI Tutorial we created with the script:



In an ideal workflow you would wish to target some other centralized instances or test collection mechanism. The specific mechanism of each teams strategy for managing remote test results will differ. We hope this provides a potential example to work from.

Completed - Expanded CI

Reference of the completed Expanded CI Workflow .gitlab-ci.yml file.

 2  - make
 3  - run
 4  - plot
 7  MAKE_FLAGS: "--coverage"
10  rules:
11    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
13      when: manual
14    - when: never
17  after_script:
18    - hostname
19    - whoami
20  interruptible: true
21  timeout: 30m
24  coverage: /^\s*lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%/
25  stage: make
26  image:
27  tags: [gitlab-org]
28  before_script:
29    - hostname
30    - echo "${CI_JOB_ID}"
31  script:
32    - make CXXFLAGS=${MAKE_FLAGS} LDFLAGS="${MAKE_FLAGS} -lm" check
33  after_script:
34    - pip3 install gcovr
35    - gcovr --xml-pretty --exclude-unreachable-branches --print-summary -o coverage.xml --root ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}
36  artifacts:
37    expire_in: 3 days
38    paths:
39      - heat
40    reports:
41      cobertura: coverage.xml
44  stage: run
45  image: debian:10-slim
46  script:
47    - ./heat --help
48    - ./heat dx=0.25 maxt=100 ic="rand(125489,100,50)" runame=test
49  artifacts:
50    expire_in: 3 days
51    paths:
52      - test/
55  stage: plot
56  extends:
57    - .manual-rule
58  needs: [gcc-build, heat-run]
59  image:
60  script:
61    - make plot PTOOL=${PTOOL} RUNAME=test
62  parallel:
63    matrix:
64      - PTOOL: [gnuplot, matplotlib]
65  artifacts:
66    name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$PTOOL"
67    expire_in: 3 days
68    paths:
69      - wall_plot.png
71# The code below will only function correctly if you completed the
72# 'Reporting Build Status' section of the tutorial as it requires
73# a API token created by the user.
75  - local: 'build-status.yaml'
78  variables:
79    BUILDSTATUS_JOB: "CI Tutorial"
82  image: python:3
83  script:
84    - pip3 install requests
85    - python3
86  tags: [gitlab-org]