Jacamar CI v0.18.0


Changes in this release are required in order to function with GitLab server 17.0+. Please make sure to upgrade Jacamar CI before deploying this upcoming server release <https://about.gitlab.com/releases/>`_ to avoid downtime.

Admin Changes

  • Migrate JWKS to /oauth/discovery/key endpoint (!465)

    • This makes GitLab server 16.0+ a requirement for Jacamar CI.

  • Deprecation warning for job_token_scope_enforced configuration (!470)

    • Changes in GitLab server 17.0+ will break this functionality. Please migrate away from using it before upgrading your GitLab instance.

  • Clearer error message for JWKS endpoint requests (!474)

    • Unable to retrieve key from JWKS endpoint: unable to complete http request: Get ""
  • Configure option to allow users to request Bash shell with --noprofile (!475)

    • [general]
        optional_login_shell = true
    • Setting this allows users to define JACAMAR_NO_BASH_PROFILE: 1 for their job to use a shell created with --noprofile to run the GitLab generated job scripts.

    • We highly advise testing this feature with your local environment and create issues if other options/configuration will help from an administrative standpoint to offer this sort of option. We cannot help with troubleshooting users issues they may experience by using this feature caused by missing environment variables (e.g., unable to submit job due to missing application on default PATH).

Bug & Development Fixes

  • Vendor and update all dependencies (!471, !473)

  • Upgraded to Go version 1.21.8 (!478)

  • Update runner integration testing (!466)