Jacamar CI v0.17.1

User Changes

  • Optionally use GIT_CONFIG_* variables for skipping credential.helper (!469)

    • Previous versions of Jacamar CI directly modified the GitLab generated job script to realize this; however, to better ensure reliability moving forward we’ve shifted to relying on setting the related environment variables.

    • export GIT_CONFIG_COUNT='1'
      export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0='credential.helper'
      export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=''
    • This change requires the use of Git version 2.31+ in order to function, however, it is not required and jobs without a defined credential.helper will continue to function.

  • Modify GIT_ASKPASS script to improve reliability (!468)

    • Better aligns with how Git retrieves credentials to support cases where the username and password have to be supplied. This should help address issue individuals may have experienced when dealing with Git submodules.